联合团契Coffeehouse/Joint Fellowship Coffeehouse

日期/DATE: Friday, March 20, 2009 时间/TIME: 5:30 p.m 地点/ LOCATION: Wycliffe College, Sheraton Hall (Map) 本周五的活动是Coffeehouse. Coffeehouse是Unity主办以合一为主题的活动, 将CCF, TCCF, RCCF和MCCF连在一起。鼓励主内弟兄姐妹全部和你们的朋友来参加。活动提供食物和咖啡。 This Friday UTCCF, RCCF, MCCF and TCCF will be hosting a joint coffeehouse to build unity and to jointly reach out to campus. Be sure to come and bring friends! Food and coffee will be … Continue reading 联合团契Coffeehouse/Joint Fellowship Coffeehouse

前辈分享 Sharing

日期/DATE: Friday, March 13, 2009 时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m 地点/LOCATION: BA2165  (Map) 不知道大家是非还记得前几个星期的一次聚会,有一对夫妇(Barbra夫妇)来到我们MCCF, 大门将与我们分享在中国的短宣故事。我还记得在那次小组讨论的时候,他们那组的伙伴们都好认真地在听他们分享。这次我们专门把他们请到我们聚会中,成为我们的主角。为了配合他们的这次分享,也请各位主内兄弟姐妹准备好自己的见证。 We invited the couple who came to MCCF several weeks ago in which they shared a little bit about their missions trip experience in China last summer. This time, they will share with us some helpful advice regarding evangelism in the future. We … Continue reading 前辈分享 Sharing

查经:耶稣召门徒 Bible Study: Calling of the Disciples

日期/DATE: Friday, March 6, 2009 时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m 地点/LOCATION: BA2165  (Map) 我们将有很精彩的经文要一起探索,(路家福音5章1-11节)。期待大家一起参与,并且我们的兄弟姐妹已经亲身绎这出经文,诉说了耶稣召门徒的故事。 录像连接在此点击。 There will be a Bible study this Friday, and the scripture that we will be sharing with you is (Luke 5:1-11). Please invited your friends to come out. Please also check out this video that some of our brothers and sisters have performed … Continue reading 查经:耶稣召门徒 Bible Study: Calling of the Disciples

团队精神 Team Work

日期/DATE: Friday, February 27, 2009 时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m 地点/LOCATION: BA2165  (Map) 这周是TEAMWORK时间,团队精神无处不在,希望大家能通过这次团契时间有所收益,相信大家在以后的任何团队活动都得心应手。 This week, T.K. will share his expertise in Teamwork with us. Hope everyone can discover the importance of teamwork in our everyday life and learn to apply it.

滑雪 Ski Trip

一个非常精彩的活动,MCCF打算在reading week的周三约大家一起去滑雪。 活动是由ISC举办的, $50一个人一整天,详情请见: http://www.isc.utoronto.ca/programs/skiisc.htm (去年我们也是和ISC一起去的,超级好玩,你们如果看去年滑雪的照片,一定乐坏。)所以机会非常难得,希望大家赶紧报名,数量有限。不要错过哦。想去的朋友请速与Vicky同学联系, 电话:647-200-5836 ; 电邮:[email protected]. Good news for people who enjoy sports, MCCF invites every one of you to go skiing with us this reading week (Wednesday).  $50/person for one day, detail see: http://www.isc.utoronto.ca/programs/skiisc.htm Let's just have some fun and we will know each others more in this trip, ★ Please … Continue reading 滑雪 Ski Trip

真爱 True Love

日期/DATE: Friday, February 13, 2009 时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m 地点/LOCATION: BA2165  (Map) 这次是Steven弟兄,作为我们情人节的专题讲员。他在《爱情的十字路口》里面写道:你的爱情是否也停泊在这个十字路口,东张西望去不知道该万哪里走看着别人的爱情在身边穿梭不息,自己也搞不清那里是孤独的归宿。如果你有同感那就千万不要错过,一年就讲这一回,让我们一起去探索和认识真爱的路吧! We have invited Steven to share with us about "true love". No matter what program you are in, I think everyone of us has been bothered by the matter of relationships at some point in time. Sometimes it is the hardest thing we've ever … Continue reading 真爱 True Love

圣经其实大有来头!Bible Q&A

日期/DATE: Friday, February 6, 2009 时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m 地点/LOCATION: BA2165  (Map) MCCF邀请了非常非常famous滴CGC(华人福音堂 Chinese Gospel Church) 黄智奇牧师来到我们这周的聚会,为我们讲述圣经的奇妙,如果你对圣经有任何的疑问,我相信黄牧师一定能给你一个满意的答案。对个人而言,每次我对圣经多了解一点,仿佛和神的关系就多亲近了一些,正如圣经里所说的: 【2:惟喜爱耶和华的律法,昼夜思想,这人便为有福。3:他要像一棵树栽在溪水旁,按时候结果子,叶子也不枯乾。凡他所作的,尽都顺利。 诗篇 1:2-3】 MCCF invites pastor Huang from CGC( Chinese Gospel Church) this Friday as he will talk about the world's most famous book:the Holy Bible in the fellowship. Please come with your questions, and pastor Huang will give you … Continue reading 圣经其实大有来头!Bible Q&A

滑雪 Ice Skating

一个非常精彩的活动,MCCF打算在reading week的周三约大家一起去滑雪。活动是由ISC举办的,$50一个人一整天, 详情请见: http://www.isc.utoronto.ca/programs/skiisc.htm (去年我们也是和ISC一起去的,超级好玩,你们如果看去年滑雪的照片,一定乐坏。)所以机会非常难得,望大家赶紧报名,数量有限。不要错过哦。 想去的朋友请速与Vicky同学联系, 联络电话:647-200-5836 联络电邮:[email protected].

经文分享 Scripture Sharing

日期/Date: 星期五1月30日/Friday, January 30, 2009 时间/Time: 6:00PM – 8:00PM 地点/Place: BA 2165 我们这周将有非常精彩的经文分享活动,希望每个参加的朋友们,把自己最喜欢的经文带到我们中间,让我们每个人都能体会圣经的话语是如何带给我们力量的。记 住哦,要最喜欢的哦。我先和大家分享一下我最喜欢的经文:【可见信心是与他的行为并行,并且信心因着行为才得成全。雅各书 2:22】知道为什么这段经文影响我很深吗?那就快来这周的MCCF吧! We would like everyone to bring their favorite scripture to this Friday's gathering. We can't wait to know how God has spoken to you through his Word. My favorite one is, "You see that his faith and his actions were … Continue reading 经文分享 Scripture Sharing

祷告是什么? What is Prayer?

日期/DATE: Friday, January 23, 2009 时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m 地点/LOCATION: BA2165  (Map) 你是否认为祷告就是迷信?或者你也经历过祷告的大能?也许你也经常祷告但是总是不能理解祷告的目的是什么。那就快来参加我们这周五的MCCF, 让我们通过讨论和彼此的见证来更加清楚地了解祷告吧。希望能在这周的MCCF聚会中看到你的身影,每一个来我们团旗的都是我们的贵宾,我们非常期待的到来。 Have you every experienced the power of prayer? Do you really understand the meaning of prayer? Come join us this week, and I believe you will discover something new about prayer. We welcome you to come share with us your experiences with prayer. … Continue reading 祷告是什么? What is Prayer?

查经:被鬼附身 Bible Study: Demons

日期/DATE: Friday, January 16, 2009 时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m 地点/LOCATION: BA2165  (Map) 你相信这世界上有鬼吗?你可想知道圣经如何看待鬼吗?许多新来的同学很希望能够有更多的机会可以参与圣经阅读及讨论。因此我们将于本周五安排一段查考圣经的时间。所读得经文是马可福音5:1-20,这是圣经中涉及到鬼的一篇经文。带着你的朋友来吧。 Do you believe that demons exist? What does the Bible have to say about this? Many new comers have expressed great interest in learning more about the Bible. We have hence decided to do a Bible study this coming Friday. We will be studying … Continue reading 查经:被鬼附身 Bible Study: Demons

分享 Sharing

日期/DATE: Friday, January 9, 2009 时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m 地点/LOCATION: BA2165  (Map) 新年快乐,开学愉快! 我们邀请你在本周五回到我们的团契当中。我们将有一段非常轻松的分享时间,让大家可以彼此更加认识。如果你在假期当中做了什么特别的事,我们很愿意听你的分享。我们会准备一些简单的点心,所以如果你只是无聊想来跟我们一起聊天顺便吃点东西,我们很欢迎你。若你想要参加我们的诗歌练习,也请你先在BA2165集合。 Happy New Year! Do you have any new year resolutions for 2009? This week, we will be having a very relaxed sharing time so that we we can all get to know each other better. If you have experienced anything interesting or special … Continue reading 分享 Sharing

免费圣诞大餐 Free Christmas Dinner

日期/DATE: Thursday, December 18, 2008 时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m 地点/LOCATION: Multi-Faith Centre (Map) 我们邀请所有讲国语的同学来和我们一同共度这个特别的夜晚。你只要带着你的朋友来,完全不需花任何费用。这将是一个够让心情轻松的一个好机会。如果你不打算回家与家人同聚,我们更希望你能加入我们。除了晚餐之外,我们将有一些游戏和分享的时间。我们乘新的邀请所有人来加入我们。如果你已经鼓额定要来,请你email Sophia 注明出席人数一边我们能够准备适量的饭菜。 We extend our welcome to all mandarin speakers to this free Christmas dinner. Bring your friends for a relaxed and fun eventing after all the exam stress. If you are not planning to return home for the holidays, we definitely want … Continue reading 免费圣诞大餐 Free Christmas Dinner

诗歌敬拜 Praise and Worship Night

日期/DATE: Friday, November 28, 2008 时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m 地点/LOCATION: BA2165  (Map) 星期五将是这个学期的最后一次聚会。如果你在本学期中曾来过我们团契,我们欢迎你回到我们当中和我们一起唱诗和分享。若果你一直都还没有来过,我们更是诚心的邀请你加入我们。已经忙了一整个学期的你,若不在开始准备期末考之前好好的让自己休息一下,实在也太亏欠自己了。除此以外,我们将有一小段采访的时间。如果你对MCCF有任何感想,可以事先准备。 我们6:00PM将现在BA集合再一起前往 Innis Residence。 The coming Friday will be our last meeting of the semester. We cordially invite you to join us for an awesome praise and worship night. If you have not yet visited our fellowship, don't miss out on this last chance. You … Continue reading 诗歌敬拜 Praise and Worship Night

篮球比赛 Basketball Tournament

日期/DATE: Friday, November 21, 2008 时间/TIME: 5:45-8:00p.m 地点/LOCATION: BA2165  (Map) 篮球比赛将于本周五11月21日举行. 地点为Eaton Center 附近的一个体育馆. 我们5:45pm将在BA2165集合, 然后再一起前往球场. 鼓励大家来参加. 人数若超过预期, 将以来过团契的同学为优先. 但每个人都将有上场的机会. The basketball game will be held at a gym near the Eaton Center. We will gather at BA2165 at 5:45PM and head to the court together. Everyone is welcome! Should there be a larger than … Continue reading 篮球比赛 Basketball Tournament

大筵席的比喻 Parable of the Great Banquet

日期/DATE: Friday, November 14, 2008 时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m 地点/LOCATION: BA2165  (Map) 神与人之间的差距实在太大,为了让人能够更明白神的话语,圣经曾多次用比喻来启示读者。本周五我们要来看一个“大筵席的比喻”。大筵席指的是什么?主人是谁?哪些人会被邀请?我们盼望你加入我们的分享及讨论。 There is such a huge gap between God and mankind that in order to fully deliver his message, God often uses parables to reveal himself. We will be reading "The Parable of the Great Banquet" this Friday. What does the great banquet symbolize? Who … Continue reading 大筵席的比喻 Parable of the Great Banquet

圣经查考 Bible Study

日期/DATE: Friday, November 7, 2008 时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m 地点/LOCATION: BA2165  (Map) 紧张的考试生活是否已经暂时告一段落?星期五来MCCF吧,我们有很多丰富的活动等着你。看看我们的活动吧!你可知道耶稣也是曾参加过别人的婚礼的人!他究竟做了什么特别的事以致于被记录在圣经当中?和你我又有何关系呢?我们已经把这次要查的经文演出来了,在此看看吧!周五见! Did you know that Jesus once attended someone else's wedding too? What was he trying to do there? We will be doing a bible study on a short passage from the gospel of John where Jesus performed the first of his miraculous signs. We … Continue reading 圣经查考 Bible Study

圣经剧场 Bible Drama

日期/DATE: Friday, October 31, 2008 时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m 地点/LOCATION: BA2165  (Map) 本周五我们要透过演戏的方式将圣经中所记载的某些故事呈现出来。如果你实在懒得看圣经,就来看我们表演吧!周五见! We will be telling stories from the Bible through drama this Friday. If you're too lazy to read the Bible, just come and watch us. See you this Friday!

圣经剧场 Bible Drama

日期/DATE: Friday, October 31, 2008 时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m 地点/LOCATION: BA2165  (Map) 本周五我們要透過演戲的方式將聖經中所記載的某些故事呈現出來. 如果你實在懶的看聖經, 就來看我們表演吧! 周五見! We will be telling stories recorded from the Bible through drama this Friday. If you are too lazy to read the Bible, just come to watch the play! See you this Friday.

分享 Sharing

日期/DATE: Friday, October 24, 2008 时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m 地点/LOCATION: BA2165  (Map) 本周五是我们团契的第一次分享;分享的主题为-沙漠中的甘泉。这是一个可以让我们大家彼此认识的一个好机会。如果你曾经在困难当中经历到神的恩典,我们邀请你来和我们分享神如何加添力量给你。如果你最近生活中有些特别的趣事,我们也很希望你能散发欢笑。我们特别欢迎一年级的新生来和我们分享大一的生活。如果你考试没考好,你一定要把握这次分享的机会来和我们当中学长学姊请教宝贵的应试技巧。分享完后,我们将有一个非常特别的游戏。周五见! This Friday will be our first sharing night of the year. It will be great opportunity for everyone to get to know each other. You can share about anything you would like. If you have experienced God's grace recently, feel free to share with … Continue reading 分享 Sharing

查经:耶稣是谁?Bible Study: Who is Jesus?

日期/DATE: Friday, October 17, 2008 时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m 地点/LOCATION: BA2165  (Map) 想必你现在一定是处在水深火热之中。星期五晚上正是一个可以让你休息的好时刻。如果你从来没有听过耶稣基督是谁?和你有什么关系?认识了他之后到底对你又有什么好处?我们诚心邀请你和我们一起查考耶稣基督的降生。除此之外,我们有十二件事情要请你们来和我们参与,哪些事情来之后就知道了! Thought you had a tough one this week? Then this Friday will definitely be a great time for you to take a break from all of that. Have you ever heard of Jesus Christ? Or maybe you have heard of him but have wondered … Continue reading 查经:耶稣是谁?Bible Study: Who is Jesus?

赞美之泉 Streams of Praise

日期/DATE: Friday, October 10, 2008 时间/TIME: 5:00p.m 地点/LOCATION: BA正门口 Front Doors  (Map) 正在緊張複習的你, 是否願意放鬆心情享受一下美妙的詩歌呢? 本周五, 我們邀請你來聆聽讚美之泉敬拜團的詩歌演唱. 無論你是否為基督徒, 我們都非常歡迎你一起來加入我們. 我們將於本周五5點在BA門口集合, 之後再坐車前往北邊的一個教會. 休息是為了走更長遠的路. 相信大家透過這次的詩歌敬拜一定能使疲憊的心靈獲得修補以便專心應付之後的考試. 如果你周五無法參加, 周六和周日一樣有演出. 請查詢 http://kingdombookstore.netfirms.com Midterms are coming! While you are constantly under stress, would you not want to relax and enjoy the beautiful Christian worship songs? This Friday, we would like to invite … Continue reading 赞美之泉 Streams of Praise

四川地震救灾分享 Sichuan Earthquake Sharing

日期/DATE: 星期五 Friday, October 3, 2008 时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m 地点/LOCATION: BA2165  (Map) 两个星期前,我们曾经藉由四川地震来思考苦难在我们生命当中的意义.此次灾难虽然在很多人的心理上造成了巨大的负面影响,但世界各地的华人却因此而凝聚了起来.许多人联合一起募款,甚至有人愿意前往灾难现场协助救援. 本周五, 我们将请到地震之后到过四川的两位同学来和我们分享她们参与的灾后重建工作,看她们所在的团队如何帮助当地的人们,以及将神对我们的爱传递给他们。想必你一定也很想听听当时现场的情况吧。 我们欢迎你带着你的朋友来聆听我们两位同学的分享. Two weeks ago, we had a chance to reflect on the significance of suffering in our life while discussing what happened at the SiChuan Earthquake. Despite the pain, we realized that the earthquake has united the hearts of all Chinese … Continue reading 四川地震救灾分享 Sichuan Earthquake Sharing

查经 Bible Study

日期/DATE: Friday, September 26, 2008 时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m 地点/LOCATION: BA2165  (Map) 我們非常高興能夠在前兩次的聚會當中透過不同的講員來認識基督徒的信仰. 這個星期五, 我們將要藉由聖經來思考並且討論神的慈愛和憐憫. 如果你從來沒有讀過聖經, 這是一個大好的機會來讓你接觸一本由四十多位不同身分背景的作者經過至少一千五百年所完成的書. 聖經啟示神的旨意, 光照人的處境, 是遊子的地圖, 旅客的手杖, 駕駛的南針, 戰士的利劍, 及基督徒的典章. 我們誠心的邀請你和你的朋友來與我們一起認識能夠引導人腳步的一本書. We will have the chance to do our first bible study on this coming Friday. The topic will be related to God's love and compassion.If you have never read the bible, we … Continue reading 查经 Bible Study

四川地震的思考 Thoughts on Sichuan Earthquake

日期/DATE: Friday, September 19, 2008 时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m 地点/LOCATION: BA2165  (Map) 我们非常高兴能够在上周五的第一次聚会当中认识到这么多的新朋友.我们盼望你能继续来参与我们团契的活动. 相信你一定还记得在五月初所发生的四川地震.这是中国自唐山大地震后伤亡最惨重的一次. 这曾轰动全球的新闻究竟和你我有怎样的关系?基督徒对灾难又持有怎样的看法? 本周五我们将请到教会的一位牧师来和我们分享并且讨论相关的问题. 我们欢迎你带着问题来加入我们的讨论. We were very excited to see so many new comers to our fellowship last Friday. We sincerely welcome you to come join us. You certainly recall the devastating Sichuan earthquake in China. This is one of the most deadly earthquakes … Continue reading 四川地震的思考 Thoughts on Sichuan Earthquake