日期/DATE: Friday, September 26, 2008
时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m
地点/LOCATION: BA2165 (Map)
我們非常高興能夠在前兩次的聚會當中透過不同的講員來認識基督徒的信仰. 這個星期五, 我們將要藉由聖經來思考並且討論神的慈愛和憐憫. 如果你從來沒有讀過聖經, 這是一個大好的機會來讓你接觸一本由四十多位不同身分背景的作者經過至少一千五百年所完成的書. 聖經啟示神的旨意, 光照人的處境, 是遊子的地圖, 旅客的手杖, 駕駛的南針, 戰士的利劍, 及基督徒的典章. 我們誠心的邀請你和你的朋友來與我們一起認識能夠引導人腳步的一本書.
We will have the chance to do our first bible study on this coming Friday. The topic will be related to God’s love and compassion.If you have never read the bible, we strongly encourage you to learn more about this book with us. It is a book that was initially written in three languages, on three continents, and over a span of centuries. The bible also records thousands of prophecies yet it has one theme and one message throughout. Feel free to bring your friends to come check it out!