日期/DATE: 星期五,3月26日 Friday, March 26, 2010
时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m
这周五将是我们本学年的最后一次团契,也是一学期一度的“敬拜之夜”。每年这个时候我的心情总是很复杂的,有对整个夏 天都见不到大家的不舍,有对“敬拜之夜”的盼望,当然也毫不例外的有期末考试即将到来的压力。无论如何,希望我们都珍惜这最后剩下的 时间,一起回到神面前,放下所有,单单的去敬拜、颂赞和分享感动,并且接受神从天上加给的力量。
同时也想提醒大家,我们从4月29日到5月2日为期四天的夏季联合退休会报名已开始,由于这次名额有限,所以请有感动 参加的兄弟姐妹们尽快报名咯。
Dear brothers and sisters,
This Friday will be our final fellowship gathering of the semester, which means it will be our semi-annual Worship Night! When we arrive at this time of year, I get mixed feelings. There’s the feeling of missing everyone during the summer, the looking forward to the next Worship Night, and of course there’s always the stress brought on by the coming finals. Nevertheless, we hope that during these final moments, we can come back to our Lord to put down our burdens and worship and praise Him alone as well as share and receive strength from above.
Also we would like to remind everyone that registration for our Joint Campus Leadership Retreat from April 29th to May 2nd has begun. Due to the limited capacity for enrollment, we would like those who have a calling for serving in campus ministries to sign up as soon as possible.