日期/DATE: 星期五,3月19日 Friday, March 19, 2010
时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m
各 位弟兄姊妹平安:
可以想象现在都很忙,与学业带来的压力做顽强的抵抗。有人跟我分享过说,如果不是因为学业也不会那么依靠神了。希望大家在忙碌于 压力之下,能够去正确的依靠神。除此之外,也请不要忘记我们作为门徒的本分。这周五的团契活动中,我们将分小组查经分享,透 过帖撒罗尼迦前书第二章里面保罗为我们树立的例子,来学习要如何作和神心意的门徒。
另外也想提醒大家,下周五就是我们一学期一度的敬拜之夜了。我们在这个时候都希望给每个弟兄姐妹一个机会来分享一些感动过他们 的诗歌,不过鉴于时间关系每个人最多分享两首(因为我们希望能够给尽量多的人机会,敬请谅解啦。现在请有感动的兄弟姐 妹把你们想要分享的歌,那些神曾经通过它们触摸到你心灵最深处的歌,于下周一,3月22日之前回 复给我们(包括歌词,如果能找到歌谱请一起附上)[email protected],中英文不 限。
我们鼓励大家来带领自己提供的诗歌,当然啦,如果你觉得在大家面前带诗歌不太自在的话,我们也可以安排其他弟兄姐妹来替你领诗。只是 无论怎样,都希望你能够亲自与大家分享这首诗曾经触动你的地方,以及神是如何通过这些诗歌去指引你对。
我们衷心的期待大家的 参与,谢谢!
Dear brothers and sisters,
I can imagine that everyone is really busy recently, fighting relentlessly against the pressure that school work has been putting upon our shoulders. Someone once shared and said, if it had not been for studying, he/she would not have relied on God as much. Hope that we can all learn to correctly rely on God in stressful times such as these. Aside from that, we should not forget our responsibilities as a disciple and follower of Christ. This Friday we will have a Bible study session and read 1 Thessalonians Chapter 2 to see how the apostle Paul sets an example for us and find out how to become a disciple that follows after God’s heart.
On another note, we are having our annual Worship Night on next Friday, March 26th. As we are going to give everyone a chance to lead songs that touched them, we are giving everyone this opportunity to request for up to TWO songs. (Sorry for limiting to only 2 because we’ve always gone immensely over time in the past Worship Nights.) Please send in the song(s) that the LORD has used to touch you with its/their lyrics (please also provide the sheet music of the song(s) if you have or can find it) before next Monday which is March 22nd to [email protected]. Both Chinese and English songs are good. You are encouraged to lead your song(s), however, if you are not comfortable leading, we can have someone else lead for you. We are going to give you an opportunity to share about how God has touched you with the song(s) regardless of whether you decide to lead the song(s). We encourage everyone to participate and send in their songs to me as soon as possible. Thanks a lot!