本周起团契活动暂停 No Fellowship this Friday

日期/DATE: 星期五,4月2日 Friday, April 2, 2010


MCCF在各位的陪伴下走过了有欢笑有眼泪,有软弱却更有成长这一学年以后,终于要告一个段落了。整个暑期我们将没有 正式的团契活动,我们会非常想念大家的。希望在不能见面的日子里,大家也能够时常记得相互问候一声或者默默为彼此祷告,因 为相信神是我们彼此之间最为紧密的连接。

我们的本年度夏季退休会报名仍在继续中,这次退休会是仅限基督徒报名参加,请各位谅解,当然也希望有更多朋友能够加入 到我们基督内兄弟姐妹的行列中来啦。详细报名情况以及报名表,请访问www.utmccf.com。由于参加人数有限制,所以位置先到先得哦。希望你能够加入 进来!

Dear brothers and sisters,

MCCF, along with you and me, has had its laughter and tears, its times of weakness and growth through this school year, and now it is time for a break. During the summer we will not have official fellowship gatherings, so we will miss each and every one of you. Hope that in those days, everyone will remember to check up on each other to say hi, or pray for one another, because being followers of Christ is what bonds us most intimately.

Sign up for our Summer Retreat is still ongoing. We appreciate your understanding that enrollment is limited to Christians only, and of course, we hope that more friends can join us to become brothers and sisters in Christ. For details and sign-up forms, please visit www.utmccf.com. Due to the limited number of enrollment, registration is on a first-come first-served basis. Looking forward to your participation!