敬拜之夜 Worship Night

日期/DATE: 星期五,十一月27日 Friday, November 27, 2009
时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m


这周五是我们团契今年的最后一次聚会,更是我们中许多人期待已久的一学期一度的“敬拜之夜”。我们这个时候会用整晚的时间,不做其他,唯独用诗歌全 心敬拜我们的主耶和华。我们也会在这样一个夜晚,借由诗歌彼此分享见证,在主内更加紧密的连接在一起。希望大家都不会错过这一次难得的聚会哦,之后将有很 长一段假期都不能团契聚会了,肯定会非常大想念大家的。


Greetings brothers and sisters,

This Friday will be our last gathering for this year. It is also what many of us have been waiting for: our semi-annual “Worship Night”! We will be doing nothing but sing praises to the Lord with all our hearts throughout the evening. We will also use this opportunity to share amongst ourselves, and strengthen our bonding in Christ. Hope that no one will miss this rare occasion, and since after this Friday there will be a long period without fellowship gatherings, we will miss everyone very much.

We would like to remind brothers and sisters who took a sign-up sheet for the Youth Camp: please remember to bring the sign-up sheet and the $70 fee on Friday. For those of you who wish to join but haven’t signed up yet, please also bring the fee and ask us for a sign-up sheet to fill in on Friday.