免费圣诞节晚餐 Free Christmas Dinner

日期/DATE: 星期四,十二月17日 Thursday, December 17, 2009
时间/TIME: 6:00-9:00p.m
地点/LOCATION:Multi-faith Centre (Koffler House KP)


本学期临近尾声,期末考试也即将来临,今年我们就不再进行周五团契聚会了。很长一段时间不能在周五看到大家熟悉的笑容心里很舍不得呢!不过无论我们 能不能见面,我们都知道,神将我们从心底紧密的连结在一起,我们也因着神的缘故彼此牵挂。更重要的是,我们有神与我们同在,只要全心祈求祷告和聆听。    祈求神给我们每一个人智慧,能够好好准备即将来临的考试,在学习这个“战场”上为祂打漂亮的仗。在这里也想提醒大家照顾好自己,饮食规律健康,保证睡眠。


1).17号那天有空的同学可以来帮忙set up, 主要工作是arrange场地.
联系人TK:[email protected], 416-276-7141.
碰头时间:3:00pm @ Multi-faith Center (如果能在5:00pm前赶到都可以)
2).食物组也需要人手.主要工作是做甜点(其他食物都是从餐馆直接订), 搬运, 分派食物,并在晚餐结束后最后帮忙清理.
联系人Louisa: [email protected].

知道最近大家都要准备考试,所以我们很感激你们任何的帮助。希望大家都能顺利考试,发挥出自己的能力,然后我们在12月17日都可以开心的来到MCCF相聚.这将是我们今年的最后一次活动. 另外,1月8日到11日我们会有一个冬季退修会,retreat,感兴趣的同学们请email Sophie at [email protected]or Sunyang at  [email protected].

Hi everyone,

It’s finally the end of the semester and exams are fast approaching. Unfortunately, we will no longer be having our regular Friday night fellowship for this year. We’re already missing each one of you! Whether we can meet up during these next weeks, we know that God continues to unite us together in his love. More importantly, God is always with us. All we have to do is to pray and be attentive to Him. We pray that God will give each one of us wisdom to study our best for the exams. As we enter into the “battlefield”, let us not forget that we’re doing it all for Him.

In the preparation process, we still need help with a few things, and we hope those of you who wish to help out can come and participate:

1. If you have time on the 17th, you can come help set up and arrange the room. Please contact TK at [email protected], 416-276-7141
2. The food team also needs help, mainly with dessert (all other food will be catered from restaurants), moving, serving, and cleaning-up after dinner. Please contact Louisa at [email protected]

We know that everyone is busy preparing for their exams, so we appreciate any amount of help you can give. Hope that everyone will do well in their exams to their greatest potential, and then we can have fun in our MCCF gathering on Dec. 17th. This will be our final event for this year. Also, we will be having a winter retreat from Jan. 8th – 11th. For those of you who are interested, please e-mail Sophie at [email protected] or Sunyang at [email protected]