Unity Coffeehouse

日期/DATE: 星期五,十一月20日 Friday, November 20, 2009
时间/TIME: 5:00-8:00p.m
地点/LOCATION: Wycliffe College Please note that the Location is changed!


大家这一周过得怎么样?星期五又是我们一起分享,放松的时间。而且这个星期五我们将会有一个非常不一样的活动。那就是万众期待的 Unity Coffeehouse! 这次的 Coffeehouse 的宗旨就是给我们学校各个团契的弟兄姐妹们有一个在基督里互相认识以及相爱的机会。到时我们会有和其他团契的学生一起敬拜,分享,唱歌,祷告与享用晚餐的 时间。由于关于 Coffeehouse 的时间与细节方面有一些变动,在这里向大家汇报一下:

1) MCCF会在 4pm 在Hart House 的门口集合。因为Wycliffe College 的地方有点难找,Anye 和 David 会分别等待大家和带领大家去场地。如果你还没下课,我们会一直在那边等到大约五点。Coffeehouse 的正式开始时间是5pm。Wycliffe College

2)因为Unity是一个非常大型与长期的合一的工作,我们请大家在当天为Unity以后将要从事的各种各样的工作(如接下来即将进行的campus outreach)奉献$5(mandatory)。

3) 我们也呼吁大家如果可以的话在当天带上自己的餐具,为环境保护尽一分力。


“你所赐给我的荣耀,我已赐给他们,使他们合而为一,像我们合而为一。我在他们里面,你在我里面,使他们完完全全的合而为一,叫世人知道你差了我来,也知道你爱他们如同爱我一样。(耶稣)” 约翰福音17:22-23

Dear brothers and sisters,

How has your week been? Friday is the time for us to share and relax as usual. And we are doing something really special this week. The long-awaited Unity Coffeehouse is finally here! One of the main objectives of the Unity Coffeehouse is for Christian fellowships on campus to have a chance to get to know each other and love each other through unity in Christ. During that time we will have the chance to worship, share, sing, pray and have dinner with students from many other fellowships. Because there have been a few changes to the meeting time and other details of the Coffeehouse, I will briefly mention them here:

1. MCCF will be meeting at the entrance of Hart House at 4pm. Because the place is a little obscure, Anye and David will be waiting for you all and bringing you all to the venue. If you will end class class late, we will be waiting there till about 5pm. Coffeehouse officially starts at 5pm. Wycliffe College

2. Because Unity is a very large-scale and long-term ministry, we ask that everyone please contribute $5 on that day towards the different future ministries (such as the soon-to-come campus outreach) of Unity (mandatory).

3. We also encourage everyone to please bring your own tupperware if you could as part of our effort to protect and conserve our environment. Look forward to seeing you then!

“I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. (Jesus)” John 17:22-23