日期/DATE: 星期五,8月3日 / Friday, August 3, 2012
时间/TIME: 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
联系到最近几年,国内陆陆续续有不少城市遇到各样的灾难,随之而来的就是捐款的号召.这也是一种帮助别人的途径,可是且也有人利用这样的机会来抬高自己的声望,或者为自己的公司做广告.我们不能说他们不该出来帮助别人, 但是,我们应该用一颗更纯洁的心来帮助他人,而不是图自己的利益.
这周的活动中,我们会围绕马太福音第6章中的一段经文来讨论 “施舍”这个话题.在现实中,施舍更多被一些企业家当作名利双收的宣传手段, 可是这一段经文告诉我们的,是怎样做去讨神的喜悦.不在乎你施舍的是什么,不在乎你施舍了多少,最重要的是我们的心.神告诉我们,不能把帮助别人当作表现自己的方法,而是要“为善不欲人知”,默默地去做.这次我们将继续分成小组进行学习与讨论,继续欢迎有兴趣的同学继续加入我们的讨论哦~~ MCCF会一直期待每周五与大家的约会,还是不见不散哦~~
Dear brothers and sisters:
Another Friday is coming up and a long weekend follows! For this Friday, we will continue to have group Bible study (Matthew 6:1-4) on the topic “give to the needy”. As we know, there have been quite a few natural catastrophes striking the world over the past few years. With the multiple earthquakes happened in China and Japan, the recent rain flood that happened in Beijing, a lot of people were devastated and needed help. Following these disasters, large fundraising events were organized and while most people donated with the will to help the needy, some used these events as a strategy to boost their fame and reputation. This Friday, we will be discussing from the Bible’s point of view on why should we help the needy and how should we help them.
We sincerely welcome our friends, both old and new, to come and join us again for a meaningful evening! Hope to see you then!