查经— 太6: 5-15/Bible Study: Matthew 6: 5-15

日期/DATE:  星期五,8月10日  / Friday, August 10, 2012
时间/TIME:  6:00 – 8:00 p.m.


Summer School马上就要结束了,我们先预祝各位在暑假努力读书的同学们,能够在Final考试中都取得自己满意的成绩.我们团契的暑假活动也接近尾声了,希望忙碌了一个暑假的大家有机会好好休息一阵,同时也盼望暑假没有参加活动的同学们能够早日归队,在新学期里和我们重新相聚在每周五的晚上.

本周是我们最后一次的查经,在这次的活动中,我们会围绕马太福音第6章中接下来一段经文来讨论 “祷告”这个话题.作为基督徒,祷告是我们与神交流的一个很重要的方式,但怎样的方式和心才是主所喜悦的呢?而我们在自己的祷告中又应该怎样与神交流呢?同时这段经文中还包括了我们很熟悉的主祷文,我们在平时的祷告中又应该怎样去应用呢? 这次我们将继续学习与讨论这段经文,同时也欢迎有兴趣的同学继续加入我们的讨论哦~~ MCCF会一直期待每周五与大家的约会,还是不见不散哦~~

Dear brothers and sisters:

As the summer is coming to an end and so is summer school. To those who have final exams coming up, we wish you all the best, hope you all ace your finals~ (Break a leg! But not literally.)

This Friday we will have our last bible study for the summer, and this time, we will base our discussion on the topic “Prayer” from Matthew 6:5-15. As Christians, praying is an important way for us to communicate with our Father, but how should we pray in a way that is pleasing to Him? Last week we talked about “hypocrite”, how should be pray so that we are not like the hypocrites? Join us this Friday to discuss the right way and the right heart to pray.

Again we welcome all friends, new or old or half-half, to share a joyful time together with us! See you this Friday!