讲员/ Speakers: Grace and Charlton
日期/DATE: 星期五,2月10日 / Friday, February 10, 2012
时间/TIME: 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
转眼间,开学已经一个月了。随着期中考试来临的压力,愿大家在学业上都能有良好的效率和充沛的精力~~ 希望上两周来团契的朋友们都在轻松的小组时间里对基督信仰有了更好的认识!
在 这情人节的前期,MCCF这周五会为大家举办一次关于恋爱与交友的讲座。我们的讲员将会是一对从多大毕业的夫妇,Grace和Charlton。 Grace曾经在多大学习Occupational Therapy,而Charlton是Engineering Science的毕业生,现在AMD工作。在讲述圣经的指导与基础同时,他们还会跟我们分享一些自己的亲身经历,讲解神是怎样带领他们度过生活上的每个喜 怒哀乐。
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
Another week has gone by and it’s almost time for our weekly fellowship again! For those who came to fellowship for the past two weeks, we hope you were all able to get to know God better through the family time in cell groups!
Since Valentine’s Day is approaching, MCCF will be hosting a special seminar on love and relationships. The speakers will be Grace and Charlton, a happily married couple who are both graduates from U of T. While at U of T, Grace specialized in occupational therapy, while Charlton was an Engineering Science student. In addition to outlining guiding principles from the Bible, their talk will be filled with anecdotes from their own life, which testifies how God was able to help them out in many aspects of their relationship.
Regardless of whether or not you in a relationship now, this week’s seminar will serve as a guidance for everyone who seeks a healthy relationship that is blessed by God.