小组活动/ Cell Group Activity

日期/DATE: 星期五,2月3日 / Friday, February 3, 2012
时间/TIME: 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.


一周不见了,大家是否同样在为作业和考试忙碌呢?是不是在图书馆熬夜看书呢?那么希望大家在百忙之中记得珍惜身体,每天有充分的休息哦~ 尤其是在这季节变换,天气无常,容易感冒的时候!身体可是本钱哦~



1) 又青姐 – 终于开口了
2) 灵命根基 – 每日之行
3) 查经 – 约拿书2章


Dear Brothers and Sisters:

How’s your week so far? Are you buried in assignments and midterms? Or are you staying up late in the library to catch up on readings? Regardless your work at hand, remember to take good care of you body and get enough rest~ especially in this time of the year when the weather is so unpredictable, beware of the cold! Good health is essential to everything we do!

In last week’s fellowship, we divided everyone into three different cell groups for the first time. We hope you all liked this new format and are looking forward to another week of exciting cell group activities!

Cell Group Topics:

1) Sister Youqing – finally spoke up
2) Foundations of Faith – the daily walk
3) Bible Study – Jonah, chapter 2

Same groups, same time; no matter if you are curious to learn about our activities in a relaxed group setting, hoping to strengthen your foundation of faith, or planning to systematically study a book of the Bible, we are all here looking forward to explore these topics with you! We hope that everyone can experience God’s love through His words and through the interactions with our brothers and sisters!