福音讲座 – 黑夜的访客/ Gospel Seminar:

讲员:李牧师/ Speaker:Pastor Lee

日期/DATE: 星期五,11月4日 Friday, November 4, 2011
时间/TIME: 7:00-9:30 pm
地点/LOCATION: Medical Science Auditorium (MS2158) 


在 上周的活动中,相信大家都玩儿的很开心,而在合作的过程中,相信大家对彼此也更加熟悉和认识. 本周五,我们将有一次特别的活动,希望可以让大家在放松的同时,对福音和校园事工友更好的了解. ”神 爱世人,甚至将他的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信他的,不至灭亡,反得永生. ”这是来自于圣经的喜讯,也是耶稣基督的福音。为了让大家都能接受神所赐的恩典, 同时也更深一部的了解福音,这周五我们邀请了李秀全牧师来为我们讲一段圣经的话语(约3:1-16),题目是”黑夜的访客”。

李牧师不仅对 圣经有很好的了解,他在福音事工上以有近半个世纪的经历。早在1963年,他就参与了大学里的事奉。到现在,他以在美国担任过18年的主任牧 师, 同时也帮助推动了很多亚洲的福音工作。所以,我们很高兴能请到李牧师来为我们分享他的经历与对他对神的认识。希望大家一定不要错过这次美好的福音讲座。

如果有问题也可以和我们联系: 416-858-0828

Dear brothers and sisters:

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” This is the good news of the Bible and the gospel of Jesus Christ. In order for everyone to receive the gift from God and to understand the gospel better, we have invited Pastor Morley Lee this Friday to talk about a key passage in the Bible (John 3: 1-16), the topic being “The Visitor of Night”.

Pastor Lee has served God for almost half a century since 1963 when he first participated in a university students’ ministry. Up until now, he has served as a senior pastor in the US for 18 years while significantly helping to spread the gospel across Asia through several different Christian organizations. Therefore, we are very blessed that Pastor Lee can come and share about his experience of God in his life and the wonders that he has seen God perform across the globe. Especially for those who are not familiar with Christianity, this will be an excellent opportunity for people to learn about the grace and wisdom of God from someone who is very close to Him.