日期/DATE: 星期五,10月21日 Friday, October 21, 2011
时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00 pm
在 上周五的活动中,我们一起学习了约翰福音第6章中的经文,而这段经文也让我们知道,耶稣是一位行神迹的神. 不知道大家还记不记得那些经历了”五饼二鱼”神迹的人为什么会跟随耶稣呢? 因为他们之前看到或听说过耶稣在病人身上所行的神迹.在圣经中,有很多的篇幅都记载了耶稣对病人的医治.而耶稣的医治不仅仅只是对于肉体的疾病,更是针对 于我们的心灵.
在这周五的活动中,我们将继续根据约翰福音第9章中的一段经文来讨论耶稣究竟是谁.在这个故事中,耶稣应验了旧约中先知所预 言的神迹,使天生瞎眼的人重新能看见.而法利赛人和瞎子对这件事的回应更是值得我们反思.欢迎大家周五继续加入我们的活动,和我们一起认识耶稣基督, 我们的主.
Dear brothers and sisters:
Last week, through studying parts of John chapter 6, we saw that Jesus is someone who can perform miracles that only God is capable. However, even before feeding the five thousand with only the five breads and two fishes, why did the people follow him there in the first place? If you don’t remember, it’s because many of them experienced or heard about Jesus’s ability to heal the sick. In the New Testament, there are many records about the healing ability of Jesus Christ. Yet His healing is not only limited to those who are physically sick, but also extends to all of us whose hearts are burdened by sin and spiritual sickness.
This Friday, we will continue with our Bible study of “Who is Jesus Christ”. In John chapter 9, we will learn how Jesus fulfilled prophecies of the Old Testament by giving a man who was born blind the ability to see again. The resulting testimony of the blind man and the reactions of the Pharisees are also important clues for us to see the true purpose of the miracle. Therefore, we hope you can join us again for this week’s Bible study in order to better trust in Jesus Christ, our Lord.