天国八福 / The Beatitudes

日期/DATE: 星期五,1月28日 Friday, January 28, 2011
时间/TIME: 6:00am-8:00pm


福是人们所向往的。尤其是在中国文化中,“福”已成为逢年过节时最常用的词。在世人眼中,福往往指的是生活富足,工作顺利,身体健康,等等。但是,我们的主耶稣在圣经中 却提到了八个我们并不熟悉的祝福。这些属天的福到底有什么奥秘呢?我们又怎样才能得到呢?让我们来一起来探讨这记载于马太5:1-12的经文,天国八福!

Dear brothers and sisters:

Fortune is what people hope for. Especially in the Chinese culture, “fortune” has become the most popular word during holidays.  In the eyes of the world, fortune is exemplified by prosperous living, fulfilling jobs, and good health. However, in the Bible, our Lord Jesus mentions eight fortunes that may seem quite foreign to us.  What is the wonder behind these heavenly fortunes or blessings? How can we obtain them? Join us to discuss this verse from Matthew 5:1-12, the Beatitudes!