日期/DATE: 星期五,10月1日 Friday, October 1, 2010
时间/TIME: 7:00am-9:00pm
地点/LOCATION: ES 1050 (Earth Sciences , 33 Wilcocks St.)
在上几周,我们很高兴的与大家一起庆祝了中秋节,观赏了圣经话剧,也到Center Island去玩了一圈。希望这些活动能让你们的大学生活更有趣,而且在信仰上对基督教有些初步的认识。为了解答学生们对基督教常有的一些疑问,我们这周 五为大家安排了一个特别讲座叫 “超越理性,认识真理”。内容是关于我们如何作为受过科学教育的人而不矛盾的接受神对我们的教导。很多人认为信仰与科学好像是无法共存的。 但是事实并非如此。
这次讲座,我们很荣幸的请到了梁斐生博士。他毕业于加拿大Alberta大学电机工程系。 曾在加拿大国防部工作,主持国防太空、通信卫星、与核子辐射的研究与发展工作 。2003 年,他辞去在政府27年的工作,全身心传播福音。曾任美国「基督教使者协会(AFC)」董事会主席,现任加拿大Chinese Christian Mission董事。相信他一定可以帮你解答一些信仰上困扰你的问题。
大家周五7pm在 ES1050 见!
Dear brothers and sisters:
In the past few weeks, we were delighted to spend time with you on several exciting events, including celebrating the Mid-Autumn festival, watching a bible skit, and taking a day trip to Center Island. We hope that these events will make your university life more entertaining, while at the same time allow you to see a glimpse of what Christianity is like. To answer some of the common questions students have about the Christian faith, we have prepared a special talk for this Friday called “Surpassing rationality and knowing the truth”. People sometimes feel as if science and the Bible cannot coexist. However, the truth is not as it seems.
For this talk, we are honored to have invited Dr. David Liang as the speaker. Dr. Liang graduated with a Ph.D. in ECE from the University of Alberta. He worked in the Canadian Ministry of Defense and headed research and development work in aerospace, satellite and nuclear radiation. In 2003, he resigned his position in the government that he held for 27 years to completely devote himself to spreading the gospel. He once took up the position of the Director of Ambassadors for Christ, and is now the Director of the Canadian branch of the Chinese Christian Missions. We are sure that he will be able to resolve some of the issues you may be struggling regarding faith.
See you all Friday 7pm at ES1050!