查经/Bible Study (路加/Luke 17:11-19)

日期/DATE: 星期五,10 月8日 Friday, October 8, 2010
时间/TIME: 7:00am-9:00pm


在上周五的讲座上,梁斐生博士告诉了我们神如何启示古人在圣经里记载了很多自然的奥秘,远远早于后来科学的验证。 在这周的活动里,我们将一起查看这本书里所记载的一个2000年前的故事。那就是耶稣基督怎样治疗了十个麻风病患者的神迹 (路加17:11-19)。 查经可以让我们学到神给予我们的真理。这真理不光提供了超越科学的证据,更重要的是祂能成为我们生活上的带领。所以,我们激励邀请大家来参与我们这次与以 后的查经活动!

Dear brothers and sisters:

In last Friday’s seminar, Dr. Liang gave us a presentation on how God is able to inspired our ancestors to record mysteries of nature in the Bible, long before these mysteries were verified by science.  In this week’s fellowship, we will study a story recorded in this book that happened 2000 years ago, which is the miracle of how Jesus Christ was able to cure 10 people diseased with leprosy (Luke 17:11-19).  Bible study allows us to learn the truth that God has bestowed to us.  This truth not only provides us with evidence that surpass our present rationality, but more importantly, it can be a light for our path of life.  Therefore, we sincerely hope that you can join us for all our Bible study events!