圣经话剧(约1-4) Bible Skits (John 1-4)

日期/DATE: 星期五,8月13日 Friday, August 13, 2010
时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m


这周五是我们夏天查经系列的最后一次。我们以查过了约翰福音的前四章。为了总结我们所学到的,这周我们会把参加的人分为四组,用话剧的方式把夏天所 查的经文表演出来。这是个很好的机会让我们能来一起彰显神的奥秘。通过亲自表演出我们所读的,我们会在复习的基础上加强我们的认识。对于没有参加部分或所 有查经的朋友们,这一次活动可以让你了解到我们夏天所查的每一段经文。希望大家都能来!

Dear brothers and sisters:

This Friday will be the last time we meet for our summer bible study series. We have finished studying the first 4 chapters of John.  As a conclusion to what we have learnt thus far, this week we will be dividing the people who attend into four groups and acting out the stories we have read during the summer.  This will be an exciting opportunity for us to combine our efforts in order to display the wonders of God.  By acting out the passages you have read, you will not only review the verses but also gain a deeper appreciation of the events.  For those who have missed some or all of our bible studies, this is an excellent opportunity for you to learn about every passage we studied in one setting.  Hope to see everyone there!


In case you miss this week’s event, our fellowship meetings for the new school year will officially begin on Friday, September 17th.