看小电影以及分享 Short Film Viewing and Sharing

日期/DATE: 星期五,十月30日 Friday, October 30, 2009
时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m


鉴于大家身心都很疲惫,这次我们的团契活动就是看《让全世界都知道》这个系列的电影哦。我们有很精彩的20分钟短片,《暴风雨来临时》与大家分享。 从中我们能够学到很多圣经上的知识呢。之后分组的讨论时间,希望大家能够把对短片的看法相互交流,更希望大家也可以就彼此的生活进行交流分享,这样我们便 可以为彼此祷告。

Greetings brothers and sisters,

Everyone must be tired from all the midterms this week, so this week our fellowship event will be watching a movie from the That the World May Know series. We will be showing a 20-minute short film When Storms Come this time. There is much to be learned about God from the film, and after that we will have group discussion time. Hope we can share our thoughts and insights about the film, and also share about our daily lives so that we can all pray for each other.