什么是异端呢?What is a heresy?

日期/DATE: 星期五,十月23日 Friday, October 23, 2009
时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m


因为大家学习越来越忙,今天就长话短说吧. 这周团契,我们将有讲员庄祖鲲兄弟来和大家探讨有关异端的问题。希望大家来参加哦。来看看我们要如何区别异端,保护自己。让我们一起继续加油,继续来向神和为彼此祷告吧.

Everyone must be really busy with their course work, so let’s keep it short this time. This week we will have a speaker come to our fellowship. Brother Zhuang will discuss the topic of Heresy with us. Hope that everyone can attend and learn how to differentiate between true and false doctrines and to protect ourselves.

Let us all work hard and pray for each other in the Lord.