感恩节的聚餐服侍 Thanksgiving Outreach Opportunity

亲爱的兄弟姐妹,downtown Toronto 的 Walmer Road Baptist Church 正在筹划在感恩节这么特殊的一天在Scott Mission (College and Spadina) 的 Soup Kitchen 里帮忙。他们也很衷心地信望别的弟兄姐妹们也一起来以这个特别的形式庆祝感恩节。我们将会从事的工作包括擦桌子,倒水,填满面包篮,端盘子等。不管什么时 段,都希望大家能够一起来庆祝!有兴趣的朋友们请与孙阳联络:[email protected]

活动:与Scott Mission的家庭一起享用感恩节大餐
联络人:孙阳 [email protected]

Dear brothers and sisters,

This Thanksgiving Day, Walmer Road Baptist Church is sharing a Thanksgiving meal with families at the Scott Mission on Monday, October 12, Thanksgiving Day. Our tasks may include washing tables, pouring water, filling bread baskets and carrying plates. Also, if you need to come late or leave early, we still encourage you to still join us. If you are interested, please email yang at [email protected]

Activity: Sharing a Thanksgiving meal with families at Scott Mission
Date: October 12th 2009 (Thanksgiving Day)
Time: 9am-12pm
Contact: Yang Sun, [email protected]