日期/DATE: Friday, September 19, 2008
时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m
地点/LOCATION: BA2165 (Map)
我们非常高兴能够在上周五的第一次聚会当中认识到这么多的新朋友.我们盼望你能继续来参与我们团契的活动. 相信你一定还记得在五月初所发生的四川地震.这是中国自唐山大地震后伤亡最惨重的一次. 这曾轰动全球的新闻究竟和你我有怎样的关系?基督徒对灾难又持有怎样的看法? 本周五我们将请到教会的一位牧师来和我们分享并且讨论相关的问题. 我们欢迎你带着问题来加入我们的讨论.
We were very excited to see so many new comers to our fellowship last Friday. We sincerely welcome you to come join us. You certainly recall the devastating Sichuan earthquake in China. This is one of the most deadly earthquakes recorded in Chinese history.
Some of us may have questions about the earthquake. Why did this happen? How can this happen? And, why did it happen to our beloved brothers and sisters in China? These questions are very dear to all of our hearts.
For this coming Friday, we have invited a pastor to answer some of our questions and doubts. If you have questions, you may come and ask him as well.