查经— 太 5: 38-42 / Bible Study: Matthew 5: 38-42

日期/DATE:  星期五,7月20日  / Friday, July 20, 2012
时间/TIME:  6:00 – 8:00 p.m.



在之前的活动中,我们讨论的比较多的是关于自身的问题,而在这周的团契中,我们会通过马太福音第五章的另一段经文来讨论怎样与人相处,尤其是在面对曾经亏待我们的人时。以怨抱怨的做法,也许能让我们一时解气,却同时也带来更加恶劣的影响.圣经里说过,我们要“爱人如己”,更要“爱我们的仇敌”,这就是主耶稣教给我们的一个处事的原则,而他也正是这样做的.这次我们将继续分成小组进行学习与讨论,欢迎有兴趣的同学继续加入我们的讨论哦~~ MCCF会一直期待每周五与大家的约会,还是不见不散哦~~

Dear brothers and sisters:

The best day of the week is coming! It’s so great that we may get together and worship our Lord, study His Words again! As the summer passes by, praise to our Lord that we shared lots of great moments in Him together~

This Friday we will be having a group discussion on another passage in Matthew, on the topic of “how to deal with interpersonal relationships”. How do you deal with difficult interpersonal relationships? Often times we would hear phrases like “an eye for an eye”, “a tooth for a tooth”. However, our Lord told us we should treat those who have mistreated us in a different way. Bible told us to love our neighbors, but even more, love our enemies. This Friday, let us study the Bible and learn how to apply His Words in real life situations. We sincerely welcome you to join us this Friday! See you then!