查经— 太 5: 33-37 / Bible Study: Matthew 5: 33-37

日期/DATE:  星期五,7月13日  / Friday, July 13, 2012
时间/TIME:  6:00 – 8:00 p.m.


随着温度越来越高, 夏天一步步地走近了我们。这边的夏季向来短暂,大家要珍惜这美好灿烂的天气,把握住我们身边每一缕灿烂的阳光和朋友家人的每一个笑容哦~~

在这周的活动中,我们会通过马太福音第五章的一段经文来讨论另一个话题——”诚信”。话语是一件很有威力的武器, 正确的使用可以保护自己, 帮助他人,而错误的使用往往会能会伤害到自己与身边的人。在日常生活中,我们的诚信体现在于我们如何践行自己所说出的话语,遵守自己所许下的承诺,同时在圣经警告我们不要妄称神的名,因为“所起的誓、总要向主遵守”。而耶稣在这里又做了进一步的强调,这在当时这有什么意义呢?同样,对于现在的我们,这一段经文有什么应用之处呢?这次我们将继续分成小组进行学习与讨论,欢迎有兴趣的同学继续加入我们的讨论哦~~ MCCF会一直期待每周五与大家的约会,还是不见不散哦~~

Dear brothers and sisters:

As the days get hotter and hotter, we are heading into the middle of the summer season. Seeing that summer tends to be short here in Toronto, we hope that everyone is enjoying the beautiful sunshine and cherishing every smile around us~~

This Friday we will be having a discussion on the topic of “integrity” through a passage in Matthew Chapter 5. Words can be strong weapons. When we use it wisely, we can protect ourselves as well as build others up; however, when we use it foolishly, we have the potential to harm ourselves and the people around us.  In our everyday life, we show our integrity and faithfulness by abiding to our words and keeping our promises. As well, the Scriptures warn us the consequences of misusing the Lord’s name and that you should “not break your oath, but keep the oaths you have made to the Lord (Matthews 5:33).” Here Jesus presented a step further than simply keeping oaths.  So what did this mean to His audiences nearly two thousand years ago? How does it apply to our own lives today? We will again be separating into group discussions this week, and we welcome everyone to come and join us! See you all Friday~~~