查经讨论 – 动怒 / Bible Discussion – Anger

日期/DATE:  星期五,6月22日  / Friday, June 22, 2012
时间/TIME:  6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
地点/LOCATION: SF3201/SF3202


大家过的怎么样呢?希望你们喜欢我们上一周的查经活动~这一周我们将继续讨论马太福音5章的经文。在学习了有关“律法”的经文后,我们将进一步的 探讨主耶稣基督所说的“胜过法利赛人的义”,来查看祂是怎么样要求我们去做那些“不同寻常”的事。当律法中提到“不可杀人“时,耶稣却告诉我们,对弟兄们“动怒”也将会受到“审判”。耶稣为什么会这样说呢?这里的“动怒”指的是什么样的怒气呢?而这“审判”又是怎么回事?就让我们周五来一起分享自己的见解,提出自己的问题吧!不见不散哦~


Dear brothers and sisters:

How have you been? We hope that you enjoyed our Bible study last week! We will be continuing our discussion on Matthew chapter 5 this Friday. After studying the Scriptures on the Law, we are going to further discuss what exactly does our Lord Jesus Christ meant when He asked us to do better than the Pharisees. The Law told us “do not kill,” yet Jesus told us that in addition one cannot be “angry with his brother.” Those who do are subject to the “judgment.” Why does Jesus say this? What kind of anger is He referring to? As well, what is the judgment? Let us gather this Friday to share our understandings, and ask our questions! See you then!

May the Lord watch over those with upcoming exams, and may He bless the new 2012 graduates!