来玩吧~~ / Let’s Play~~

日期/DATE: 星期五,6月1日  / Friday, June 1, 2012
时间/TIME: 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

我们MCCF从上个星期开始正式回归啦~在这个暑假里,我们会继续为大家安排丰富多彩的活动~~ 相信绝大部分的朋友对6月1日这个日期不会太陌生,因为每年的这天都是我们的节日–六一儿童节!!!!其实,不管我们年龄多大,在神的眼里,在父母的眼里,我们永远都是孩子,童心未泯,需要他们的照顾和看顾,也需要他们的教导和扶持.


Praise to God for a wonderful start of the summer MCCF last week! It was a great pleasure to be with sisters and brothers on campus again, to study the Word of God, to share our interests, and to enjoy the presence of each other in Him.

This week we are going to do something different from last week. For those who grew up in Canada, you may not know that Children’s Day has long been celebrated on June 1st (which coincidentally happens to be the date for this week’s fellowship) in China. In remembrance of our root, our culture, and our though diminished but never completely disappeared youthfulness, we will be playing some games this Friday. May these games bring us joyful moments and some break from the adult world. More importantly, may these games remind us that we are the children of God, we are loved by our Father, and we are loved by our sisters and brothers in Him. So don’t miss out a chance to be childish again, join us this Friday!  See you there~~