三位一体的真神/The Holy Trinity

日期/DATE: 星期五,1月20日 Friday, January 20, 2012
时间/TIME: 6:00-8:30 pm


随着考试和作业的出现,春节的脚步也近了~~~虽然2012已经开始,但在中国人的传统中,春节才是真正的新年! 今年的春节比往年稍早一些,但愿在春节的时候,大家没有接踵而至的考试做” 礼物” ~~~虽然没有春节长假,无法体验”春运”的拥挤,更没有国内的节日气氛,但我们都不会忘了这个重要的节日.在这个团聚的节日里, 希望MCCF能成为大家心灵的家和归属, 随着春节的到来带给大家亲情和温暖!

在本周五的活动中,我们特别邀请了华人福音堂的黄牧师,来为我们讲解“三位一体的神”.在之前的活动中,我们常常会提到“圣父” “圣子”  “圣灵”  “三位一体”这样的词,相信有不少同学都对这样的词既熟悉又陌生.熟悉是因为我们经常会用到这些词,而陌生却是因为我们并不是那么清楚这些词背后意义.欢迎大家来参与到我们的讨论中,对“三位一体的真神”有更正确深刻的理解.

Dear brothers and sisters:

As the start of the semester kicks in, more and more assignments and tests just seem to pop up in our schedule. But at the same time, Chinese New Year is drawing near! Even though the year 2012 has started, according to our Chinese traditional calendar this is the true New Years! Unlike previous years, this year Chinese New Year is at an earlier date so hopefully none of us will be getting midterms as “presents”! Despite the lack of the long Chinese winter break, the (thankful) escape from overcrowded transportation back home, and the absence of a festive atmosphere, we will never forget this important festival. We hope that at this time of family gathering MCCF will become a home where our hearts belong, and as our Chinese New Year comes closer MCCF will bring warmth and joy to all!

For our activity this Friday, we have invited Reverend C.K.Wong from Chinese Gospel Church to speak to us about the “Holy Trinity”. During many of our previous gatherings, we have mentioned the word “The Father”, “The Son”, “Holy Spirit”, and “Holy Trinity”. I am sure that to many of us, these words are both familiar and mysterious; familiar because we have used and encountered them so many times, but also mysterious because we often do not know the meanings behind them. We welcome everyone this Friday to join us in this discussion, and to develop a deeper understanding of the “Holy Trinity”.