活动—耶稣诞生/Activity—“Birth of Jesus”

日期/DATE: 星期五,12月2日 Friday, December 2, 2011
时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00 pm
地点/LOCATION: SF 3201


一 学期的时间真的过的很快,本周就是我们这学期最后一次的活动了.相信现在大家都已经进入了紧张的复习阶段,希望大家都能保持充足的精力,以最好的状态来迎 接考试!!忙碌的同时也不要忘记:我们的神会一直看顾着我们,在旷野中为我们开道路,在沙漠中开江河.在我们遇到困难和挫折的时候,神也不会遗弃我们.加 油!!!!

本周我们会根据耶稣诞生的故事来进行一个特别的活动.相信大家都知道,在12月中,有一个非常出名的节日,那就是圣诞节.在吃大 餐,收礼物的同时,我们也不能忘记,耶稣基督降生在这个世界上,为我们受死,让我们能够重新回的神的国度.可是,我们又怎么知道,耶稣就是我们要等的那位 弥赛亚呢?他的诞生又是怎样不同寻常呢?欢迎大家在周五加入我们,和我们一起通过这个特别的活动来学习圣经中关于耶稣诞生的经文!

 Dear brothers and sisters:

Peace to you all! This Friday will be our last event of the semester. I am sure everyone has begun to study intensely for their finals. We hope everyone has reserved enough energy to face all the exams! Yet while you are busy studying, remember that our Lord is watching over us every second. He will always make “a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland” (Isaiah 43:19)! Even when we encounter difficulties and setbacks, our Lord will never abandon us. So add oil everyone!!!

This week, we are going to have a special night with a special activity centered on the story of the birth of Jesus. As we all know, in the month of December we have a very, very famous holiday: Christmas! It is a night of cerebration with dinners to eat and gifts to unwrap, but at the same time, we should not forget that this is the special day dedicated to the birth of Jesus Christ, who was born to this world and died for our sins. It is through His blood that we can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. So then, how is it that we know Jesus is the Messiah? What is so special about His birth? We welcome you all to join us in our special activity this Friday to study the birth of Jesus through the Scriptures!