敬拜之夜/ Worship Night

日期/DATE: 星期五,11月25日 Friday, November 25, 2011
时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00 pm
地点/LOCATION: SF 3201


本 周是我们11月的最后一次活动,同时呢,也是我们一学期一次的”敬拜之夜”(鼓掌,撒花)~~相信在我们的学习和生活中,都会遇到各种各样的心情,开心, 失望,激动,难过, 也许在不经意间,就会有那样一两首歌触动你的心弦,在你最幸福或是最失落的时候,陪你走过那一段的旅程!!这周五的”敬拜之夜”,我 们将给大家一个分享的机会, 让大家和你一起轻唱那些属于你的特别的诗歌!!让我们在这些美妙音符的陪伴下,一起经历神带给我们自己和朋友的不同感动,用 赞美和感谢来回报神对我们的看顾和祝福~~

 Dear brothers and sisters:

Peace to you all! This Friday we will have our last event this month, and as we’ve announced all through the past week, it is our end-of-term Worship Night (Yay for worship~~~)! As we all know, in our daily lives we encounter all kinds of emotions: happiness, disappointment, excitement, sadness. It is in those moments when a worship song or two can jump out and reach into our hearts. These are the songs which have accompanied us through the rises and falls of our journeys. So in this Worship Night, we are giving you a chance to share them! We invite you all to join us this Friday to experience the power of God through these wonderful melodies, and to praise and thank our Lord for all His care and blessings~~