神的创造 – 创 1:1-31

日期/DATE: 星期五,9月23日 Friday, September 23, 2011
时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00 pm


希 望大家在上周的中秋节活动中对MCCF这个大家庭有了更好的认识。随着新学期的开始,让我们也一起通过互相帮助与信仰的带领去面临学习生活上的挑战!为了 让同学们的生活更健康,MCCF会在今后几周开始不同的体育活动与信仰探讨小组。我们会在这周五为大家提供更详细的介绍。

我们这周五聚会的 主题是《神的创造》.在这次活动中,华人福音堂的黄牧师会带领我们一起通过圣经的记载来认识世界最初的奥秘。我们身边的花草树木,飞禽走兽,山川河流,甚 至包括我们自己,都不是随便来的,一事一物都来自于神。所以,让我们一起来更好的认识这位满有能力又有恩慈的创世主!

P.S.: 请有圣经的同学把圣经一起带来~~

Dear brothers and sisters:

Through last week’s mid-autumn festival event, we hope that you have become more familiar with the MCCF family. As the new semester begins, let us face the challenges of student life together through love and faith! In order for students to live a healthier lifestyle, MCCF will be starting various sports and discussion groups over the next few weeks.  Further details will be explained this Friday.

Our topic this Friday is “The Creations of God.” Rev. Wong from CGC will lead us to explore the origin of the world through evidences recorded in the Holy Bible. Everything around us has an origin. The environment, the plants, the animals, and especially ourselves, are all testaments of God’s wonder. Therefore, let us learn more about the wonders and grace of God together!

P.S.: Please bring your Holy Bible on Friday if you have one