查经 – 箴 29:18

日期/DATE: 星期五,8月5日 Friday, August 5, 2011
时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00 pm


如 果有人问”什么是目标”,你会怎样解释呢?字典上给出的解释是"想要达到的境界或目的".很直白吧?在生活中,我们也常常给自己设定下大大小小的目标,小 到在一次考试中取得好成绩,大到对自己整个人生的规划.在圣经中,目标又是怎样一回事呢?在诗篇中,大卫王曾说"祂为自己的名引导我走义路".作为基督 徒,我们应该怎样选择和设定自己的目标才能够与神同行呢?欢迎大家来到我们中间,一起探讨这个问题.

Dear brothers and sisters:

If you were asked to explain the meaning of the word “goal”, what would you answer?  A definition given by the Oxford dictionary is that a “goal” is “the object of a person’s ambition or effort; [it is] an aim or desired result.” Sounds straightforward, right? We often set goals in our lives; some are short-termed, such as achieving an A+ in an exam; while some are life-long. So then, what is the definition of “goal” in the bible? As King David praised in Psalms 23, “He guides [us] along the right paths for His name’s sake”. In the life-long walk with God as Christians we need to set spiritual goals, but how will we know what kind of goals to set? Let us all gather this Friday night for our bible study!