查经 – 罗 13:1-7; 彼前 2:13-3:6

日期/DATE: 星期五,6月10日 Friday, June 10, 2011
时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00 pm


六 月是一个毕业的季节,大学生活的终点却也是人生旅途的又一个新起点。我们MCCF也有很多兄弟姐妹要踏上自己的另一段旅程.团契里毕业的有 Commerce, Life Science, 和Engineering的。他们的毕业典礼分别会在这周五中午12点,下周一下午4点半,和下周三中午12点结束。欢迎有时间的朋友们一起到 King’s Circle 来给他们送上祝福~~ 庆祝的同时,也感谢他们在过去的日子里,对MCCF付出的心血。是神通过他们的努力建造了今天的MCCF.

在前两周,我们一起学习了合作与 跟随。这周五我们会根据罗马书和彼得前书的部分经文,来一起讨论关于顺服的课题."在上有权柄的,人人当顺服他,因为没有权柄不是出于神的".顺服是跟随 耶稣的人必学的课题。但是,我们如何在遵守这世界的条约时见证神的伟大呢?愿神通过这周的查经赐给我们祂的智慧。

Dear brothers and sisters:

June is a season for graduation, the end of undergraduate and the beginning of a new journey.  As always, there will be brothers and sisters of MCCF that will be joining them.  We have members that are graduating from Commerce, Life Science, and Engineering, whose convocation ceremonies end at June 10th, 12 noon, June 13th, 4:30, and June 15th, 12 noon.   If you have time, come and join us to celebrate with them on King’s Circle and also to thank them for all the time they’ve spent in the fellowship.  God has used their efforts to build the MCCF that is today.

In the past two weeks, we’ve learnt what it is meant to cooperate as one body and to become a disciple of Christ.  This Friday, we will be reading passages from Romans and 1 Peters in order to learn what the Bible teaches us about obedience.  “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established.”  Obedience is a lesson that we need to learn as followers of Christ, but how do we testify to the glory of God through obeying powers in this world?  May God enlighten us with His wisdom through this week’s Bible study.