查经 – 林前 12:12-16;传4:7-12

日期/DATE: 星期五,4月8日 Friday, May 27, 2011
时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00 pm


哦耶~我们可爱的夏天终于来到了!! 令人期待的MCCF也再一次开始活动啦~~(鼓掌)希望大家都渡过了一个愉快而短暂的长周末,回归学校的同时也要记得来MCCF看看老朋友哦~

我 们这周五会一起查看哥林多前书(新约)和传道书(旧约)中的一段经文。在查经之前,我们会一起先做个小游戏,让大家的大脑做个小体操.这次的主题是团队的 合一,让我们成为真正的一家人. “就如身子是一个、却有许多肢体、而且肢体虽多、仍是一个身子.基督也是这样。”愿神预备我们每一个人的心,通过这周的查经能更好地坚定我们的信心,也让 我们一起来学习怎样活出属灵的生命。

Dear brothers and sisters:

Summer with all its beautiful sunshine is finally here! We are also happy to announce that the long awaited summer session for MCCF will be starting this Friday! No matter if you are taking classes or hard at work during the day, we sincerely welcome you to join us.  The activity planned for this Friday will be both relaxing and enlightening. We will be starting with a group game and then proceed to a short Bible study.  The two verses chosen this week are from the Old and New Testament respectively, but both are focused upon the importance of unity and cooperation with others.  “Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ.”  Let us learn how to apply this lasting truth in order to live our life with the greatest meaning.