耶稣使拉撒路复活 /Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead

日期/DATE: 星期五,2月11日 Friday, February 11, 2011
时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00pm


死人能复活吗?虽然电影和游戏对复活会有些刻画,但在人们心目中,复活只是一个幻想。然而,对那创造宇宙万物的神,这是完全可能的,而且有圣经所记载。这周,我们将查看 耶稣是怎样使一位死去的拉撒路复活的。这段经文(约翰福音11章1-44)不光记载了一个伟大的神迹,同时也告诉了我们怎样才能寻求到那永生与复活的来源。

Dear brothers and sisters:

Can the dead be resurrected?  Even though movies and games may portray resurrection in various ways, but in reality, people only view it as an imagination. However, for the God that created the universe, it is perfectly possible and also recorded in the Bible.  In fact, this week, we will be studying how Jesus was able to raise Lazarus from the dead.  This passage (John 11:1-44) not only records a great miracle, but at the same time, also teaches us how we may find the source of eternal life and resurrection.