泥土音乐演唱会 / Clay Music Concert

日期/DATE: 星期五,2月4日 Friday, February 4, 2011
时间/TIME: 6:20pm



为了庆祝新年的来临,这周五,我们会带领大家一起去参加泥土音乐的演唱会。泥土音乐是为了传扬耶稣基督的福音所成立的非营利机构,于2004年在美国加州登记成立。在这短短几年内,神以通过这机构为我们提供了很多优美的诗歌,例如 “有一天”与“恩典夠用”。

演唱会的地点是“多伦多华人浸信会” (72-78 Beverley Street)。我们会在GB 大厅6:20 pm 集合,之后一起出发。如果你熟悉地点,你也可以直接去。演唱会是免费的,但是为了能有好的座位,我们需要至少在7 pm开始前10分钟到达。

Dear brothers and sisters:

Happy Chinese New Year! Hope your new year will be filled with blessing from Heaven! You may still have to go to school in the snow storm; your family may not always be around you.  However, our Lord Jesus can lead you to live everyday with happiness!

To celebrate the occasion, this Friday, we will bring you to see a concert by Clay Music. Founded in California in 2004, Clay Music is a non-for-profit organization whose mission is to spread the Gospel about Jesus. In these few years, the Lord has already worked through this organization to bring us many beautiful songs of praise, such as “One Day” and “Sufficient Grace”.

The concert will be at “Toronto Chinese Baptist Church” (72-78 Beverley Street). We will be meeting in GB Lobby at 6:20 pm first and then going there together.  If you are familiar with the location, you can also go there directly.  The concert is free, but in order to secure a good seat, we should get there at least 10 min before the concert starts at 7 pm.


Please contact any of the people below for questions on the day:

  • Bradley: 416-836-1341
  • Haojun: 416-875-6408
  • Yinming: 416-858-0828