园主复仇记/Return of the Landlord

日期/DATE: 星期五,10月29日 Friday, October 29, 2010
时间/TIME: 6:00am-8:00pm


经过上几周的查经,希望大家对我们的神都有了更好的了解。为了让大家对基督信仰有更全面的认识,我们很高兴这周五请到了多伦多华人浸信会的谭牧师来 为我们讲道。所讲的题目, 园主复仇记, 将围绕着一段触心的圣经故事,记载于马太福音21:33–46。希望大家都能来听这美好的信息。

Dear brothers and sisters:

Through the past few weeks’ bible study, hopefully you’ve all gained a better understanding of our God.  In order to give you a more comprehensive view of the Christian faith, we are happy to have invited Pastor Tan from Toronto Chinese Baptist Church as our speaker for this Friday.  The topic, “Return of the Landlord”, will revolve around a thought provoking bible story, written in Matthew 21:33–46.  Hope you can all come and listen to this wonderful message.