查经/Bible Study (约翰/John 3:1-15)

日期/DATE: 星期五,10月15日 Friday, October 15, 2010
时间/TIME: 6:00am-8:00pm
地点/LOCATION: GB119 & GB120


希 望你们都度过了一个美好的感恩节,在忙碌的学业生活中有了个喘气的机会。在这期中考试的季节里,祝大家都能取得满意的成绩,也同时保护好身体。虽然团契的 同工最近学业也很重,这周仍会有一次查经活动。神的话语可以给我们添加能力与智慧。祂能让我们找到更多的学习动力,同时也不会让我们被眼前的忙碌所迷茫。

在 上周的聚会中,我们学到了主耶稣是怎样治疗了十个麻风病患者。在这种难以相信的事实面前,人们往往不得不承认耶稣是有神力的。但是,耶稣基督并不光是一位 神医,也不仅仅是一位能行神迹的先知。祂到底对我们生活有何重要性呢?对这个问题,有一位学历渊博的犹太领袖曾经亲自跟耶稣谈讨过。这件事被记载于约翰福 音第3章,也就是我们这周所要查的经文。希望大家能来与我们一起查看这段信息。

Dear brothers and sisters:

Hope you’ve had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and had an opportunity to relax from your busy student life.  In midst of the midterm season, we wish you all achieve satisfactory results in your studies while maintaining good care of your health at the same time.  Even though schoolwork for the organizers of the fellowship is also heavy, there will still be a bible study this week.  The words of God can give us strength and wisdom. They allow us to find motivation to study hard, while protecting us from being disoriented by our present works.

In last week’s gathering, we learnt how Jesus was able to cure 10 people diseased with leprosy. In front these hard to believe truths, it’s often difficult for people to not to admit that Jesus has powers from God.  However, Jesus is not only a miracle doctor, nor is he just a prophet that can perform miracles.  What importance does He have for our lives?  In regard to this question, a well learnt Jewish leader once spoke with Jesus in person.  This event was recorded in Chapter 3 of the gospel of John, which is the scripture we will be discussing this week.  We sincerely hope that you will study this passage with us together.