日期/DATE: 星期五,6月11日 Friday, June 11, 2010
时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m
又快到星期五的团契时光了。接着上周所看的约翰福音,我们这次会查约2:1-11。这段经文诉说的是耶稣怎样把水变为酒的神迹。不管你是否知道这段 经文,我们都欢迎你来把你的问题与感想和大家一起探讨。除了查经以外,我们还会有一些来自团契弟兄姊妹的见证。愿大家能来听他们的美好分享。荣耀归于主!
Dear brothers and sisters:
It’s almost time for our Friday fellowship again. Continuing our study in the book of John, the focus of this week will be on John 2:1-11. This passage talks about the miracle of how Jesus was able to turn water into wine. Regardless if you know this passage from before or not, we welcome you to bring your questions and interpretations along to discuss together. In addition to bible study, we will also be having some testimonies from members of our fellowship. Come and listen to what wonderful life experiences they have to share. Glory to God!