查经: 约 1:19-34 Bible Study: John 1:19-34

日期/DATE: 星期五,5月28日 Friday, May 28, 2010
时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m.
上个星期查到光,生命,还有黑暗,讲到耶稣就是世界的光,是当时以色列人盼望来的救世主,然而世 界并没有接待这光。可以看出同学们分析得很透彻,很完整,不知大家是否有同感呢?当然,这个星期五的查经也一定不会让大家失望 哦>_+。 我们将会接下去查施洗约翰的见证,讨论他的来历,作用,怎样为光作见证,何为用水和圣灵施洗等等。还会给大家带来 很多更深入的问题,所以一定不要错过这次精彩激烈的查经哦!
Dear brothers and sisters,
Last week we discussed about the Light, Life, darkness, and how Jesus is the Light of the world. He was the Messiah the Israelites had been waiting for, yet the world did not receive this Light. Everyone showed attention to detail and we covered the topic quite completely. Hope everyone had the same thoughts about our Bible study. Of course, this Friday’s bible study will certainly be ever the more engaging! We will continue on and study about the testimony of John the Baptist, discuss his identity, his purpose, how he bore witness to the Light, and what it means to be baptized by water and the Holy Spirit etc. There will also be many more deeper questions brought up, so let’s not miss out on this exciting Bible study coming up!