查经《罪》Bible Study Topic: “Sin”

日期/DATE: 星期五,二月5日 Friday, February 5, 2010
时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m


当期中考试和作业都来临的时候,我们期待已久的周五团契聚会时间也快到了!上周很高兴看到那么多弟兄姐妹一起在主内享受快乐与健康的运动时光。相信 大家的身体也得到了充足的锻炼,并且相互增进了解和友谊哦。 那么这周我们会有有趣而又深刻的查经活动,题目是关于“罪”的。说到罪,大家可能都有自己的看法,但是圣经对这个话题是怎么讲的呢?欢迎大家来探讨罪的定 义,也让我们都能清楚地认识到神对罪的态度,并且学会怎么去远离这个世界上各种各样的引诱吧!  当然,在团契活动开始前,我们依然有5-6pm的祷告会,地点仍是GB404。希望大家到时候参加,一同分享一周的经历,数算神的恩典和为彼此祷告。最 后,既然

这个星期是二月的第一个礼拜,在这里要给大家预览一下这个月的活动安排 :

  • 5    查經/小組
  • 12  講員 – 情人節講題
  • 19  (Study Week Break)
  • 26  查經/小組

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Amidst the onset of midterms and assignments, our long-awaited weekly Friday fellowship will be arriving soon! Glad to see so many of you last week enjoying the activities at our Sports Night event. I believe that we all had a fair share of exercise and got to know each other much better through bonding.  This week we will have an interesting yet deep Bible study on the topic of “sin”. Everyone may have their own interpretation of what is sin, but what does the Bible have to say about it? We welcome everyone to come and discuss the definition of sin, and let us all be able to clearly understand what God’s attitude towards sin is, and learn how to run away from the temptations of this world! As usual, before fellowship begins, we will have our usual prayer meeting from 5-6 pm, with the location also being GB404. Hope that you will be able to join us to share our experiences throughout the week, and count our blessings as well as pray for each other.

Finally, since this is the first week of February, we get to take a look at what’s in plan for this month:

  • 5    Bible Study/Group Discussion
  • 12  Speaker – Valentine’s Day topic
  • 19  (Study Week Break)
  • 26  Bible Study / Group Discussion