什么是在耶稣基督里的永生呢 What is Eternal Life in Jesus Christ

日期/DATE: 星期五,十月16日 Friday, October 16, 2009
时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m


眼看第一轮的半期考试就要结束了,大家加油喔,再有一个星期就能小小喘息一下了呢。听说好多兄弟姐妹都和我一样有一些奇怪的习惯:比如说,越是接近 考试和交作业的时候就越不想学习,就越想要看看电视上上网打打游戏什么的;又或者是晚上一定要熬到两三点以后才能睡得找,即使没有什么事做。我想这都是些 肉体的软弱吧。我们心里想要战胜,肉体却屈服了。这个时候请记得安安静静的祷告,因为我发现当自己在呼求主加添力量的时候,在真心的把自己的作为当作能荣 耀主的见证的时候,神就会给你回应。

请不要忘记这周五同一时间的团契活动哦。这次,我们要把大家分成不同的小组讨论“在主里得永生”这个话题,以分享为主。让我们彼此更加了解各自的信 主经历,一起去交流主在我们每一个人身上的奇妙作为吧。即使你还没有信主也没关系,真心的希望你从别人的分享中有所着,至少让我们在耶稣基督里面靠得更 近。

Greetings brothers and sisters,

As the first round of midterms approaches its finale, let us all work hard (a.k.a. “add oil”) and we will hopefully get a break next week to catch our breath. I heard that many brothers and sisters have the same weird habit as me: for example, the closer we get to exams and homework due dates, the less we want to study, and instead we go watch tv or play games online; also, maybe some of us can’t sleep until two or three in the morning every day, even if we don’t have much to do. I think these can all be seen as weaknesses of the body. We wish to overcome them in our hearts, but our bodies compromise. At this time, please remember to pray quietly, because I realize when I am calling out for God to provide strength, and truly view my actions as testimonies to God’s glory, God will give you his reply.

Please don’t forget the time of fellowship this Friday. This time we will split into groups and discuss the topic of “Obtaining Eternal Life in the Lord”, which will mainly consist of personal sharing. Let us all get to know each other’s stories of how we got to believe in Christ, and share God’s miraculous deeds on each and one of us. Even if you have not believed yet, don’t worry, we really hope that you can gain much from other people’s sharing, and we hope that we will become closer to each other through Jesus.