短宣分享和教会介绍 Missions Trip Sharing and Church Introduction

日期/DATE: 星期五,十月9日 Friday, October 9, 2009
时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00p.m


也许很多人都会开始抱怨这充斥着midterm, project, assignment和presentation的一周。那么有谁能告诉我,在自己这样精力不支,沮丧灰心甚至因为更多的生活压力而产生绝望念想的时候, 我们该怎么做呢?是的,作为一个基督徒,一个神的儿女,我们能做的就是回到神的面前。我们把自己的重担都交到主的手里,然后专专心心背起耶稣的十字架。让 我们在主里去得着平安和力量,因为”耶和华必赐力量给祂的百姓。耶和华必赐平安的福给祂的百姓。”


Greetings brothers and sisters,

Maybe many of you are starting to complain about this week full of midterms, projects and assignments. Then could someone tell me, in a time like this when we are exhausted and losing hope, or maybe even in despair due to all the stress in life, what should we do? Indeed, as a Christian, a son or daughter of God, what we can do is to come back to God. We hand our burdens to Him, and keep focused on carrying the cross of Jesus. Let us all receive peace and strength in the Lord, because “The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace.”

This Friday, we will meet at the same place, same time, and as a group we will listen to each other and support each other on our walk towards the Lord. A sister in Christ will be sharing about her experiences on her Missions Trip in China. Also there will be brothers and sisters introducing their local churches for those who have not found a suitable church yet. Hope that everyone will be able to find a suitable church to be their spiritual home.