查经— 太5:27-32 / Bible Study: Matthew 5:27-32

日期/DATE:  星期五,7月6日  / Friday, July 6, 2012
时间/TIME:  6:00 – 8:00 p.m.


转眼间,暑假已经过去了一半,新一轮的Summer School在向我们招手了……不知道大家有木有充分利用刚刚过去的Long Weekend给自己充充电,为下一阶段的学习做好准备?

在这周五的晚上,我们Summer 2012下半场的第一次活动正式开始啦~~我们这周讨论的话题在马太福音第5章中,相信熟悉经文的朋友都会知道我们这次选取的部分是关于”奸淫”和”休妻”。在现在的社会中离婚率越来越高,从一个方面反映了人的罪性。而在圣经中,神也多次提到了犯奸淫的行为和后果,那我们身为基督徒,应该怎样去做呢?关于这个话题,我们将分男女两个小组进行讨论,欢迎感兴趣的同学加入我们的讨论~~ MCCF期待每周五与大家的约会,还是不见不散哦~~

Dear brothers and sisters:

It’s hard to believe that half of our summer break has passed! Did everyone take a good break from studying during the long weekend? The second semester is already here~

This Friday we resume our weekly fellowship activity for the second semester, for which we will continue our bible study on the book of Matthew chapter 5.  The topic of this week will be Adultery and Divorce. As we all know, the divorce rate in the general population has been rising in the past few years. In a sense, it reflects our sinful nature, and God has warned us of the consequences plenty of times through the Bible. Therefore, as a Christian, what are the ways to avoid and overcome our sinful desires? What benefits do we come out with? We welcome you all to join our bible study and group discussion this Friday! See you soon!! ~~~