布道会—拥抱祝福 / Embracing Blessings

日期/DATE:              星期五,6月8日  / Friday, June 8, 2012
时间/TIME:               7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
地点/LOCATION:     多伦多华人浸信会 / 74 Beverley St, Toronto


大家在上周五的游戏活动中玩儿得开心么???虽然那天下了很大的雨,淹了Union Station地铁站,也给很多人的出行带来了不便,可是再大的雨夜浇不熄我们的信仰和意念!!希望大家都和我们一样,渡过了一个印象非常深刻的六一儿童节~~

本周五的晚上,我们邀请大家和MCCF一起到学校附近的华人教会,参加”拥抱祝福”这个国语布道会.我们都希望能够得到从神而来的祝福和平安, 那么我们自己又应该怎样去做呢?本次的讲员–范学德弟兄将带领我们一起来拥抱从神而来的祝福.因为这次活动并不在之前的活动地点,所以我们会在6:10的时候在BA (Bahen Centre)大门集合,然后一起走过去。如果你熟悉教会的地点,也可以自己直接过去。期待每周五与大家的”约会”,还是不见不散哦~~

Dear brothers and sisters:

How did you like our games last week? Even though we had pouring rain that flooded Union Station, it sure cannot put out our passion for the Lord! I hope everyone had a great Children’s Day like we did~~

This Friday, we invite all of you to come to a Mandarin speaker event: “Embracing Blessings”, at a Chinese church just off campus. Our Lord is full of blessings, so how do we receive them? The speaker will help us understand the meaning of “embracing blessings.” As this is an off campus event, we will be meeting in front of BA (Bahen Centre) at 6:10pm, and then walk to the event together. If you are familiar with the area, you are welcome to go directly to the church at 7pm. We are looking forward to seeing you all on Friday!