小组活动/Cell Group Activity

1)  Maggie姐/ Sister Maggie
2) 灵命根基/ Foundations of Faith
3)  查经-约拿书/ Bible Study – Jonah

日期/DATE: 星期五,3月23日  / Friday, March 23, 2012
时间/TIME: 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.

转眼这个学期过去了多半,第二轮的midterm又来了.希望大家都能够借着主的力量,顺利的通过term test,完成Project.在上周的活动里,我们恢复了小组的形式,而本周我们将继续以小组的形式进行活动,同时这也是这个学期我们最后一次的小组讨论,希望喜欢cell group形式的朋友不要错过这最后一次的活动哦~~之后我们将再次回到集体活动的形式, 一样也会很有趣的!!这个星期,我们三个不同的细胞小组的主题分别是:

1)  Maggie姐
2) 灵命根基 – 罪
3) 查经 – 约拿书4章

相信大家对我们的 cell group已经非常熟悉了,也选择了合适自己的小组.那么让我们在这一次的活动中有更好的交流,在和老朋友熟悉的同时了解更多关于信仰的问题~ 我们也非常欢迎新朋友加入我们, 通过我们的活动对神和基督教信仰有更多的了解!!

Wow, time is flying past us! More than half of our semester has gone by, and we are in the season for the second round of midterms and assignments. We sincerely hope that everyone can rely on the Lord’s strength for your tests and projects! Same as last week, we are continuing with our cell group activities. As well, this will the last time we are having cell groups this year. We will be moving on to large group activities in the latter weeks, so if you have enjoyed the cell groups, we hope that you won’t miss out this week~~~ ! This week, the three cell groups will be the following:

1). Sister Maggie
2). Foundations of Faith – Sin
3). Bible Study – Jonah Chapter 4

We hope that everyone is really familiar with our cell groups, and you have gotten to know your group mates better~ So let us have a great time together in discussing our faith! If you are a new friend, no worries! We would love for you to join us to learn more about God, who loves and looks after each and every one of us every second of everyday!