电影之夜/Movie Night

日期/DATE:  星期五,2月17日 / Friday, February 17, 2012
时间/TIME:  6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
地点/LOCATION:   GB404                 


马 上就到令人振奋的Reading Week了, 相信大部分的同学在这个星期都经历了”黎明前的黑暗”.这个星期是忙碌而充实的,也希望大家在每一门课的考试中都取得理想的成绩!!! 在沉重的一周即将 过去之时,我们决定给大家提供一个放松的机会,用一部精彩的电影来缓解大家这周的疲劳!!!

这次我们介绍给大家的电影叫做”面对巨人”,是 一部关于运动与信仰的影片.影片讲述了一位教练,在面对自己球队屡败屡战的成绩时,是如何重拾勇气与信心,用信仰击败恐惧的.其实在我们的生活中,也会常 常有面对的”巨人”的时候,可那些并不是我们真正面对的巨人,而是我们内心因恐惧而形成的虚假影像,真正的巨人是我们内心的软弱和恐惧.欢迎大家和我们一 起观看这部电影,并且从主人公的身上学到信仰的力量!!!

Dear brother and sisters:

It’s almost time for reading week! Finally a break from all the midterms and assignments! This week has been busy but filled with God’s blessing, and wish everyone will get the best results. As the end of this “horrible” week, we decided to treat everyone with a wonderful movie, so we can take a rest from those heavy workloads!

The movie we’ll watch is called “Facing the Giants”, which is about a coach whom used his undying faith to battle the giants of fear and failure. We also face many of these “giants” in our daily lives, but what they really reflect is the fear and weakness we feel deep inside us. So please join and watch this movie with us, so we can together learn how to defeat these giants by using the power of faith!