圣诞晚餐/Christmas Dinner

日期/DATE: 星期二,12月20日 Tuesday, December 20, 2011
时间/TIME: 5:00-8:30 pm
地点/LOCATION: Multi-faith Centre (2nd floor)/569 Spadina Ave.


经过一学期的努力,希望大家没有被邪恶的Final Exam影响了节日的心情~~~言归正传,在Final考试的最后一天,我们MCCF准备了今年的最后一次活动,那就是——免费的 Christmas Dinner(撒花,鼓掌)!!! 欢迎大家在考试结束后,和我们一起,提前庆祝圣诞节。在上一次的团契活动中,我们用表演的方式介绍了圣诞节的由来,在这次晚餐的同时,我们也准备了有趣的游戏和分享,希望大家可以在欢乐的气氛中,迎接圣诞和新年!!

如果你不清楚Multifaith Center的地点,请看附件里的校园地图。若有任何问题与需求,请发email给我们或联系416-858-0828。

Dear brothers and sisters:

After a semester of pressure from school work, we hope everyone worked well on final exams!! On the last day of the exam period (December 20th), UTMCCF sincerely welcomes you to our 2011 Christmas Dinner (Which is FREE!!!!).  If you recall, in the last week of our fellowship we had an activity centered on the story of the birth of Jesus. Likewise, on this Christmas Dinner, we also have prepared music, food, games, and sharing to draw closer to each other and Jesus Christ. Let us celebrate this wonderful holiday together!

In case you don’t know where the Multifaith Center is, it is marked on the campus map attached with this email.  If you have any questions or concerns, please send us an email or contact us at 416-858-0828.