赞美之泉演唱会/Stream of Praise Concert

日期/DATE: 星期五,9月2日 Friday, September 2, 2011
时间/TIME: 7:30-10:00 pm
地点/LOCATION: TCCC, 100 Acadia Ave., Markham, ON L3R 5A2


新 的学期即将来临,在新学期开始之前,MCCF决定带大家去听一场很有意义的演唱会,放松一下身心,让大家能更好的准备自己,以良好的状态迎接新的开始!! 在前一封邮件中,我们已经介绍过: 赞美之泉是一个非盈利的机构,每年会在全世界很多国家巡回演出,为主作见证. 在我们周五的诗歌敬拜中,常常会用到赞美之泉的歌曲,比如“这一生最美的祝福“ 和“恩典之路“等.今年,他们也会来Toronto进行免费演出,MCCF也会安排有兴趣的朋友一起去感受神通过音乐给祂子民带来的喜乐.对这次活动的具 体安排如下:

演唱会所在的地址为 100 Acadia Ave., Markham, ON, L3R5A2(在T&T附近),大家可以根据这个地址自己开车或乘车过去.当然,我们也会组织两个小组从Downtown出发,请大家自己选择最方便的时间和方式.

我 们4:30pm会在Con Hall集合。第一组会在4:45pm准时从出发(负责人:David)。第二组会等到5:15pm出发(负责人:Yinming)。因为演唱会的地点离 T&T很近, 想逛超市或吃饭的同学可以选择早一些出发, 这样就不会耽误演唱会的入场时间. 演唱会将于7:30准时开始, 请大家注意控制时间.

如果有在downtown的同学因为突发情况无法赶上这两组的出发时间,可以和Lemuel联系. 不住Downtown的同学, 可以根据地址自己过去,实在找不到的,可以和T.K.联系.

Dear brothers and sisters:

The new semester will be starting soon.  Before school starts again, MCCF would like to take you all to a very inspiring concert so that you may relax your mind and body in preparation for a fresh new start!!  In the last newsletter, we’ve already introduced you to the performing group. Stream of Praise is a non-for-profit organization that holds Christian concerts in many countries around the world in order to testify the Lord through music. Many of the beautiful hymns sang in our fellowship are from this group.

The concert will be held at 100 Acadia Ave., Markham, ON, L3R5A2 (near T&T supermarket).  You can either go there directly or meet us on campus to go together by public transportation. The concert starts at 7:30 pm, but try to arrive a little earlier so you can get a good seat.

We’ll be meeting in front of Conn Hall at the entrance facing King’s circle starting at 4:30 pm.  For those that arrive on time, the first group will be leaving at 4:45 pm sharp.  Then the rest of us will leave in a second group at 5:15 pm.

If you have any questions regarding the event or directions, please feel free to email us at [email protected].