敬拜之夜 -诗歌分享/Worship Night – Music Sharing

日期/DATE: 星期五,4月1日 Friday, April 1, 2011
时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00 pm



这周的团契也是这学期的最后一次活动。夏天的安排还未确定, 请大家关注以后的电子邮件通知。在此期间,祝大家期末考试顺利,同时也注意好身体。愿主耶稣成为你的避难所与一切力量的源头!

Dear brothers and sisters:

This Friday is our once per semester worship night!  Not only will you get to hear many beautiful and touching hymns, but through personal testimonies from members of our fellowship, you will also witness how God is able to use these songs to provide peace and guidance to our hearts. We hope you will not miss out on this wonderful special event.

Moreover, this Friday will also be the last fellowship gathering before the summer holidays. Details for summer events such as bible studies are not yet set.  Please stay tuned for future plans via email. In the meantime, we hope everyone all the best in their exams.  May the Lord be your strength and your shelter in all that you do!