电影分享:《彼岸》- 四海学踪/

Movie night: “Beyond” – Studying Abroad

日期/DATE: 星期五,3月4日 Friday, March 4, 2011
时间/TIME: 6:00-8:00pm


希望你们都度过了一个美好的阅读周,也顺利的开始这后半学期的奋斗。为了给大家安排一次轻松又有意义的活动,这周五我们将给大家播放一部纪录片叫 《彼岸》。 《彼岸》是一部反映海外华人心路历程的九集纪录片。 它讲述了华人在欧洲、澳洲和美洲的几十个动人故事。我们这次将要看的是其中的一集关于留学生的生活。从他们的经历中,我们可以更好的认识到耶稣基督的关怀 与带领。

Dear brothers and sisters:

Hope you’ve all had a wonderful reading week and have smoothly transitioned into the second half of the semester.  In order to provide everyone with an event that is both relaxing and meaningful, we will be showing a documentary called “Beyond” this Friday.  “Beyond” is a nine part documentary series that reflects the spiritual journey of Chinese people living abroad.  It describes the testimony of several touching stories of Chinese living in Europe, Australia, and the Americas.  The part that we will be looking at this time is one about the life of visa students.  From their experiences, we can better understand Jesus Christ’s caring and guidance.